Keeping track of fetal movement to check your baby’s health. Here’s what to keep track of:

  • By week 28, your baby has probably started to move regularly.
  • Take some quiet time twice a day to count your baby’s movements. If you do not feel ten movements within two hours, try eating a snack and sitting down again.
  • If your baby still does not move, try again later that day. If there are still not ten movements within two hours, call your doctor.
  • In month 8, keep counting kicks. Remember that your baby has time now when he or she is asleep and when he or she is awake, so if there are not a lot of movements your baby may be asleep.
  • If you’re worried, eat a snack and try again, if you don’t feel ten movements within two hours, call your doctor.
  • In month nine, keep track of your baby’s movement a few times a day. If it starts moving less than usual, call your doctor.